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Throw the (Face)book at ’em


Have you heard of this yet? Greenpeace posted a parody of a Kit Kat commercial to slam Nestle’s use of palm oil – not for the health aspects but rather because the farming of the oil destroys rainforests and the animals that live there.
Bad news, sure. But it gets worse. When the protest was taken to Nestle’s Facebook page, the real problems began. Nestle broke the cardinal rule of social media: the conversations are going to take place whether you want them to or not. And if you try to stop them, they will only get stronger and more intense.

That’s exactly what happened. After Nestle started deleting accounts and censoring posts, tens of thousands of people got wind and took their outrage to the Wall. Two unsuccessful days (and hundreds of thousands of angry posts) later, Nestle learned their lesson the hard way. If you’re going to be in the social media arena, you have to respect the space. And the Face(book).

Check out the full story here:…